The holy Prophet Lot Peace be upon him
We've pointed out before that the story of Lot is connected to the story of Abraham ( P B U H ) and also connected to the stories of his sons Ishmael and Isaac for they are mentioned with him in many holy phrases and tales because they all share the same call to God and they all lived in the same time, and the religion of all is the same religion of Abraham ( P B U H ), and he is their master and the one that was a subject to many troubles, and God revealed upon him only the books that explain the religion and laws, and they followed him for whatever he said, and Lot got out with him when he was banished from his own lands and he was the first to believe in him, and Lot is the nephew and the maternal cousin for Abraham and this matter had been investigated when we talked about the conditions of Abraham. God said: And Lot believed him, and said: Lo! I am a fugitive unto my Lord(Al-`Ankabut:26). Lot was mentioned in quran in fourteen chapters: Al-An`âm, Al-A`râf, Hud, Al-Hijr, Al-Anbiyâ', Al-Haj, Al-Shu`arâ', Al-Naml, Al-`Ankabut, Al-Sâffât, Sâd, Qâf, Al-Qamar, Al-Tahreem. We mentioned before that when quran comes to mention about any prophet's conditions, it either mention their conditions in details or in brief.
Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr said in his stories: I was reading the poem of Al-Ma`arri [a poet's name]:
That did not judge as the way of Sodom
Some speeches contained the meaning of that God knew that the people of Lot will never be fixed and that their torture will be in life before the after-life as a revenge for their bad deeds and to be a lesson for others, and God used to delay their punishment for the sake of Abraham and Lot for they hated destroying lands. For this and that, God delayed their punishment until their time had come and had no way back, so He sent His messengers to sink their lands. In tidings: When it was midnight, Lot took his daughters and went out, and his wife went to her people telling them that Lot want to escape, so then said Gabriel (P B U H ): and I was called from the Throne at the time of dawn: O Gabriel, God's promise for the torture of Lot's people became so true, so pull out their village down from the seventh earth, then fly with it up into heaven and stop it there until the commandment of God arrives to you to flip it down, and leave a portion from the house of Lot to be as reminder for passers by, so I went down to the village and I stroke its east with my right wing and its west with my left wing and then I pulled it out from the depth of the seventh earth except the house of Lot, then I went up with it in a place where even the creations of heaven can hear the cry of their cocks and the barking of their dogs, so when sun rose up I was called from the Throne: O Gabriel, flip the lands over the people and so I did and made their lowest on the top, and God sent them heavy rains of baked clay, and the position of their lands were in the lands of Shem, so I flipped their lands and made it between the lands of Shem and Egypt and it made some lines out of the sea. We say, flipping the villages of Lot is something that all religions agree on although there are different ways for how it was flipped, and we should not think of a special way for their punishment was done by destroying their lands by many ways and that does not harm the desired essential idea and that God took revenge from them for their evil-doings and their exaggerated tyranny and rebellion against God and His prophet which they harmed so much, and your Lord is no oppressor of (His) bondmen.
The deeds of the religious authority are subject to be followed and it is taken by people either they believed in such authority or not to take such deeds as clues and people keep telling the stories about such an authority and the tidings would keep up by time, and if it was such deed is bad, then people would mock at religions and take it as something ridiculous and such a thing is against the purpose that for which God sent His prophet, and such deeds would not be issued by a Wiseman, and impossible to be issued by a Wiseman.
He broke their idols and made them into pieces except the biggest of them for a sermon and we've explained it and so the king was not brave enough to kill him, and Abraham was alone without anyone to bring him victory, but only God saved him and ordered him to travel out of their lands, and if anyone meditated in this he would find this amazing thing is only because he (Abraham) believed in his Lord, and by his faith he despised the fire, meditate in these honorable situations which have the sermons for the nations and generations for the coming days and times.
So Abraham (P B U H ) did not deny their gods from the first glance, but he made them gradually admit that these are not gods since they don't have feelings or senses, then he tested their gods one after the other by many ways that would be enough for them to stop worshipping them, and he showed how their gods were unable to do a thing and how they do not deserve to be gods.
Then presenting his only son Ishmael to be slain as God ordered him in his dream is the ultimate clue for his faith in God, and he prepared everything to give his only son as a gift until God ransomed him with a great victim. He (Abraham) was also a man of dignity and purity, and he never asked someone else except God and never refused anyone came to him for a purpose, and he was a man of hospitality and was the first to command for hospitality, and used to prostrate a lot on the ground for God only, and used to pray a lot for Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad (P BB U H ), and in some speeches that God did not consider Abraham as a friend except for feeding people and praying at night while people are sleeping, and he was a man of jealousy as well and whenever he goes out he locks the door behind him and took his keys, and for many good virtues and deeds that Abraham had, he was given the title of friend of God.
They (the Household) (P B U H) said what is in general meant that God ordered Abraham to slay four kinds of birds: a peacock, an eagle, a cock and a duck. The peacock is meant to be the ornaments of this life, and the eagle is meant to be the long hope, and the duck is meant to be caution, and the cock is meant to be the lust, so the total meaning that God desired and He knows better, that if you want to be with Me then cut out these four things, and if any of these were in one's heart then he is never with Me. This interpretation had been told in different ways but the general meaning is the same, for the knowledge of things in deep is something that only God can do and He is far from the human thought about Himself.
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